General information
Initial price
Max. token supply
Initial market cap. (incl. liquidity)
Initial market cap. (excl. liquidity)
Initial circulation supply (excl. liquidity)
Initial circulation supply (excl. liquidity) %
Fully diluted market cap.
$STB & veSTB token utilities
$STB is our primary utility token. For locking $STB tokens within our staking pool, users receive veSTB (ve = vested escrow) tokens, which enable multipliers, governance functions, and discounts. The veSTB tokens are non-transferable.
Staking rewards: 14% of all protocol-generated fees will be distributed towards the $STB staking pool, veSTB holders can receive an APY multiplier of up to 4.32x.
Governance: The stabble DAO will be governed by veSTB holders.
How to get veSTB tokens
Users can lock their $STB tokens for 1 between 30 months within our staking smart contract and will receive veSTB tokens in return.
The veSTB multiplier
The formula for the veSTB multiplier is the following:
multiplier = 1.05ˣ, whereas x is the number of locked months.
Through implementing these veSTB tokenomics, we incentivize users to lock their tokens and keep them out of the available supply and reduce the sell-pressure on a long-term basis. On top of that, we are protecting our governance mechanisms as we require our users to lock their tokens for a minimum of one month before participating.
Last updated